今回の新型車には”3Way” Universal Moverというコンセプトがあり、「日常」「レジャー」と並んで「介護」における使用を重要な柱としている。そのためにFREEDにはCROSSTAR ‘スロープ’とCROSSTAR ‘リフトアップシート‘という車種が存在する。これに関して安積LPLは次のように語る。
*安積 悟氏:本田技研工業株式会社 BEV開発センター 統括LPL シニアチーフエンジニア
Honda’s new FREED No.3_ Nursing care use.
Third point worth noting
The new model has based on the “3-Way” Universal Mover concept, which emphasizes “daily” and “leisure” use as well as “nursing care” use. LPL Azumi explains the concept as follows.
“We are entering an era in which the need for care is becoming more and more important. Until now, we have ended up with such vehicles in derivative vehicles.
In planning a product, it is necessary to position this type of product as a diversity, and to say that “slope specifications version” are being used more and more by the general public, and that “nursing care” is included in this category, and that this product itself is not a special specification.
Therefore, we changed everything, from the appeal to the naming, so that the product could be used without nursing care, when nursing care is needed, and conveniently even after the nursing care is over. Since FREED has a long service life, it would be good to give customers the sense that they can use it for nursing care if they buy it in advance, rather than buying it after they need it.”
In fact, both the “slope version” and the “lift-up seat” are very comfortable to use when experienced, and there is no anxiety during operation.
The new FREED is…..
It came with a good product design that was well thought out for its users. The designers seem to have styled this car with a very serious stance, with the desire to carry their precious family members and have them use it for a long time in the forefront. At first glance, the model may appear blunt, but it is very carefully crafted, and one can sense that the modeler’s hand has been firmly placed on the model. Although the costumes are not flashy, the styling is put together in a style that is not influenced by the fashions of the times, and does not fade particularly rapidly even after long use. In the past, the model change cycle for FREED has been every eight years, and perhaps this model was also a calm approach that took into account the model cycle for the next eight years.
The company is also to be applauded for adhering to the 5-number (1700 mm) width limit and not bloating the body, and for achieving an interior design that provides ample space and a sense of spaciousness within this limit.
If I may add, in addition to the stance of this idea, if somewhere in the styling there was an inherently attractive eye-catcher that said ‘this is the car’, it would have further improved the sense of freshness and new appearance of the styling.