マツダ新型電動車、EZ-6 のデザイン 【北京モーターショー2024 デザインレポート_02】MAZDA EZ-6 Design [ Beijing Motor Show 2024_Design Report_02 ]

北京ショーMAZDAブース。手前がEZ-6 BEV、奥がPHEV
[ English Text is next to Japanese ]
On April 25, Mazda unveiled the EZ-6 at the Beijing Motor Show as a model exclusively for the Chinese market, and we were able to speak with Mazda's chief designer in charge of the EZ-6 design. We would like to unravel the styling of the EZ-6, interweaving the content of this interview with the EZ-6's design.
TEXT & PHOTO:難波 治(NAMBA Osamu)


今回発表されたのは長安汽車の協力のもと、長安マツダが開発・製造を行なう新型電動車(新エネルギー車)の第1弾「MAZDA EZ-6(マツダ・イージーシックス)」BEVとPHEVの2機種。発売は2024年中に中国で発売とされている中国市場向け専用車。長安汽車が製造している新型電動車「深藍SL03」とプラットフォームだけではなくかなりの部分を共有する。

また同時に中国向け新型電動車の第2弾の「MAZDA 創 ARATA」コンセプトモデルもお披露目された。こちらは2025年量産予定のSUVである。

諸元値は全長4921mm×全幅1890mm×全高1485mm。ベースである長安汽車の深藍SL03がそれぞれ4820mm×1890mm×1480mmなのでMAZDA EZ-6の方が100mm程度長くなっている。EZ-6のホイールベースが未発表だがプラットフォームが共用であると聞いているので両車ともにホイールベースは深藍SL03と同じ2900mmだと考えられる。EZ-6の全長の長い分は主に専用のフロントバンパーに当てられていると思われるが詳細は不明(MAZDA 6の諸元値が4865mm×1840mm×1450mm ホイールベースが2830mmである。寸法的にはMAZDA6の後継の位置付けとも考えられる)。



下:長安汽車 深藍SL03






また「背高に見せないような工夫は色々やっていて、背の高いクルマに見えないよう、それを感じさせないように、実は水平にいろんなラインとか面の切り替えとかを入れて、伸びやかに、とにかく横長に見えるようにという工夫を随所に入れました」さらに「今回は質感を感じさせるためにちょっと気をつけたことがあって、実はよく見るとエクステリアのディテールって結構手数が多いんですよ。遠目で見たら、パッと見はそんなにテーマ性も壊してないしシンプルで美しく見えるのですが、 近寄ると『あ、何か作り込まれているなって感じるような感じで、あえて意識していつもよりちょっと手数を増やしています。それによってトータルでも遠目での質感と近寄った時の質感などしっかり感じて満足してもらえる。ということ結構やりました」と言う。







実はサイドウィンドウのプロフィール後端部分をベース車である深藍SL03と変化させているのだが、自動車のサイドビューでのウィンドウグラフィックスというのはそのクルマの性格や特徴づけに重要なポイントなのであるが、そこについて岩内氏は「やっぱりシックスライトの一番最後の窓って重要というか大切だと思いますね。そこで光を入れられるかとか、ちゃんと飾りじゃなくなっているかというのも重要です。今回は外観では伸びやかさを感じさせたかったし、インテリアでは解放感であるとか、シックスライトの良さであるとかっていうのをしっかり感じさせたかったので、エクステリアではキャビンのガラスのウインドウグラフィックをしっかり後ろまで引っ張って抜けを良くして、インテリアで言えばシックスライトの最後の部分をしっかり彩光してやる。 そういう意識でやっています。二度美味しいと思います」











岩内義人チーフデザイナー マツダ株式会社デザイン本部



なぜそう書くのかといえば、MAZDA EZ-6は全体のまとまりとして非常にレベル高くとてもよくできたモデルで魅力的ではあるのだが、もしかすると多くの他車がひしめき合う中では、少し品が良すぎて印象の弱い車に見えてしまわないだろうかという懸念を感じるからなのである。

MAZDA EZ-6 Design 【Beijing Motor Show 2024_ Design Report_02】

The MAZDA EZ-6 is launched.

On April 25, Mazda unveiled the EZ-6, an EV exclusively for the Chinese market, at the Beijing Motor Show.
We were able to speak with Yoshito Iwauchi, chief designer of Mazda’s Design Division, who was in charge of the EZ-6 design.The following is an explanation of the EZ-6’s styling, interspersed with the content of that interview.

MAZDA booth at the Beijing Show. EZ-6 BEV in the front and PHEV in the back

The two models announced are the MAZDA EZ-6 BEV and PHEV, the first of a series of new electric vehicles (new energy vehicles) to be developed and manufactured by Changan Mazda in cooperation with Changan Automobile.
The vehicle is exclusively for the Chinese market and will be launched during 2024.
It shares not only the platform but also many other parts with the new electric vehicle “Deepal SL03” manufactured by Changan Automobile.

At the same time, the second concept model of the new electric vehicle for the Chinese market, the “MAZDA ARATA,” was also unveiled. This SUV is scheduled for mass production in 2025.

The dimensions are 4921 mm (length) x 1890 mm (width) x 1485 mm (height). The dimensions of the base model, Changan Automobile’s Deepal SL03, are 4820 x 1890 x 1480, so the MAZDA EZ-6 is about 100 mm longer. The wheelbase of the EZ-6 has not yet been announced, but we have heard that they share the same platform, so we believe that the wheelbase of both vehicles is 2900mm.The longer overall length of the EZ-6 is thought to be mainly allocated to the front bumper, but details are unknown.
(Since the MAZDA 6’s dimensions are 4865 x 1840 x 1450 and its wheelbase is 2830 mm, it is considered to be the successor to the 6 in terms of dimensions.)

Compared to Changan Deepal SL03, the basic proportions and silhouette are almost identical.
The EZ-6’s exterior panels, including the front and rear bumpers, are dedicated, but the glass seems to be shared from the front window, side windows, roof glass to the back door glass.
Side mirrors and door handles are also shared.
And since the Deepal SL03 is a 5-door hatchback, we can expect the EZ-6 to be a 5-door hatchback as well.

The interior also shares the same basic structure, but the modeling parts are dedicated. The meters and center monitor are the same, and the seats and steering wheel also appear to share the same basic framework.

Bottom: Changan Deepal SL03

It may be difficult to tell since the photos were taken from different angles, but it is clear that the EZ-6 is a MAZDA-specific version of the SL03’s outer skin.
Styling the EZ-6 with such restrictions was quite a difficult task, and Mazda’s designers must have had a difficult time.
The change in the shape of the rear end of the side glass area is effective in this situation.
Furthermore, it is wonderful that Mazda tried to incorporate the next-generation “Soul of Motion” theme into the design, despite the many design restrictions, such as the door hinge positions, the regulator mechanism that raises and lowers the glass, and the side impact structure, which are not visible from the outside.

EZ-6 Design

The final development of this design appears to have taken place at CMA (Changan Mazda) in Nanjing.
Mr. Iwauchi, the chief designer of the EZ-6, also said, “We spent about a year in China after finishing production in Hiroshima and entering the production phase.”
Regarding the design theme, Iwauchi said, “We had a strong desire to create a beautiful and cool sedan designed with the SOUL OF MOTION theme.”
“The Chinese market demands something very modern, so we wanted to create something beautiful and well-made with a modern update.”

After the condition that the development of the new model would be based on the Deepal SL03 was presented, the design development was first started in Hiroshima, and then the final stage of creation was done in Nanjing.
The creation was done well in the head office before bringing it here. When we were at the headquarters, we worked with our usual clay modelers, and we also integrated digital development, so we were able to speed up the process and make sure it was done by human hands.” He continued, “We did a lot of the creation work in Hiroshima, but we also did a lot of the final work here at the mass production stage.

He added, “We made an effort not to make it look like a tall car. In order not to make it look tall, we added various horizontal lines and surface transitions to make it look elongated and horizontal.” He continued, “This time, we were a little careful to give it a sense of quality, and in fact, if you look closely, there are many exterior details. From a distance, it looks simple and beautiful and doesn’t break the theme, but when you get up close, you can see that there is a lot of work that has been put into the building. I made a conscious effort to increase the number of steps compared to usual, so that the viewer can feel the texture from a distance and the texture when they get closer, and be satisfied with the total effect. I did this quite a bit. “ says Mr.Iwauchi.


The actual car clearly shows the sculptural workmanship and effects that Mr. Iwauchi was talking about.
By making the longitudinal section from the window shoulder  position (belt line) to the side sills a curved surface with sufficiently large intonation, the painted surface shows movement with beautiful gradation of light and shadow, dodging the thickness in the longitudinal direction and inviting the eye to look in the front and rear directions. The surface that gives a sense of extension in the front-back direction then heads toward the front and rear wheels, successfully creating a high sense of ground contact between the four wheels in the appearance. The method of enhancing the presence of the tires without making the entire body mass a coke-bottle shape is also a theme of SOUL OF MOTION’s modeling. Mr. Iwauchi also commented on the continuity of SOUL OF MOTION: “I have my own ideas about that, and the design I want to do is to have all four feet firmly planted on the ground to transmit driving force and drive the car sportily.”

Furthermore, this car makes good use of the inward curve toward the rear in the plan view. The side windows curve inward from the A-pillars, narrowing the cabin section inward. The effect of this is to increase the formable width to the rear wheel arch (which is the full width), and at the rear wheel center section, the width dimension is sufficiently large from the outside of the tire to the cabin position, giving the impression that the rear tire is protruding outward.

The diagonal back or rear view of a car is very important, and the car looks more stable and sporty when the tires appear to be firmly planted outward. (A well-made, good-running car = a car with high athletic performance)
Imagine, for example, you are driving behind or diagonally behind this car, and it should look like a car with very firm footing. The relationship between the body and tires is that important. If you imagine this as animals running around the savanna, especially their hind legs, you can easily understand the meaning of this concept.

“good stance” MAZDA EZ-6 PHEV

The shape of the rear end of the side windows was changed from that of the base model Deepal SL03, and the window graphics on the side view are an important part of the car’s character and features. Mr. Iwauchi said, “I think the last of the six light windows is important. It is important to let light in there, and it is also important that it is not decorative. For this project, we wanted to take advantage of the six-light window to create a sense of expansiveness on the exterior and a sense of openness on the interior. In the interior, the last part of the six-light allows light to enter. I think it’s twice as good.”
And it’s not very elaborate. Usually, Mazda would pick up on that part a little bit and make the glass area smaller. This time we held back a little.

Fusion of assertion of being MAZDA and advanced

The front end clearly asserts the MAZDA brand in the Chinese market.
The grille and lamps, which assert that the car is a Mazda, are advanced in their expression and at the same time give the car a sense of prestige. It is simple and smartly put together.

Left: BEV Right: PHEV

The entire grille of BEVs is blocked, while PHEVs allow air to enter to cool the engine for power generation.The PHEV models have a diamond-shaped metallic expression at the intersection of the grille mesh, and the diamond-shaped points are placed towards the central MAZDA logo mark, which is the area necessary for cooling, in a small, deviated arrangement to make the grille appear deeper, while the BEV models have a similar diamond-shaped motif to give a sense of depth to the overall design. 
If PHEV models were not available, the concept of the grille might have been different.

The rear bumper is cleverly sculpted and smartly integrated with the body. (This has been done successfully on the Deepal SL03.)

About Interiors

As for the interior, this category requires a monitor that is large enough, and we try to meet that requirement, including the price range,” said Iwanouchi.
The recent trend has been to place the speedometer and driving information on a large center monitor, but we broke away from this trend and made the speedometer electronic while displaying the information right in front of the driver, so that the driver can feel the joy of driving.  He explains.
It must have been difficult to differentiate and ”express MAZDA-ness” under the strict condition of being common with other cars.

What is MAZDA’s formative expression for the future?

Those involved in design are paying close attention to how MAZDA will evolve the SOUL OF MOTION in the future. We asked Mr. Iwauchi about this.
He said “It is very difficult. The SOUL OF MOTION is our asset, but it must evolve.
We must not stop, and we must solve the problem, but if we go too far, we will be too far away from it. The SOUL OF MOTION design is not finished this time, but must continue to evolve.”
“We have several projects in collaboration with China, including the purple “ARATA” project, and I hope you can think of it as an image of evolution as we take these steps.”

Yoshito Iwauchi, chief designer of Mazda’s Design Division

The EZ-6 we saw at the Beijing show was very well built, as is typical of MAZDA, and the car was well executed in expressing a sense of advanced design. And we were impressed by the high level of MAZDA’s design.
It is also a good example of the relationship between brand and styling.

However, this time it is only my impression in the venue with the lights on.
I can’t wait to see it outdoors in the sunlight and actually drive it on the highway.
Also, I would like to see how much appearance they have in the city and among various other cars among Chinese EVs, which often have large, expressive shapes with a strong message.

The reason I write this is because I feel that although the MAZDA EZ-6 is a very attractive model with a very high level of overall cohesiveness, it may look a little too classy and unimpressive in a crowded field of other cars.



難波 治 / Osamu NAMBA 近影

難波 治 / Osamu NAMBA
