イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer

Tesla Cybertruck
このたび、Car Stylingの復活にあたり、著者というかたちでアメリカ・シリコンバレーからご一緒させていただくことになりました。

プロフィール : カーデザインとの関わり

株式会社Final Aim(アメリカ本社・日本支社)共同創業者 兼 最高デザイン責任者










自動運転モビリティ “Milee”(2017)

そして現在は、2019年12月に共同創業したスタートアップ、株式会社Final Aimとして、これまでと変わらずデザインとものづくりにおける課題解決や、新しい事業創出を手掛けています。


ヤマハ発動機と共創し発表した電動モビリティ “Concept 451”(2024)

なぜCar Stylingなのか? デザインの拡がりと可能性に向けて

工業デザイナーを志すきっかけを与えてくれたのは、まさに“クルマ”でした。小学生の頃から、クルマをデザインしたい!と憧れ、その楽しさやワクワクのリアルな物語を伝えてくれたのは言うまでもなくCar Stylingでした。


そんな混沌とした今だからこそ、なにか私でもお力になれるのではないか。そして大変おこがましいですが、あのとき夢をもらったCar Stylingに恩返しがしたい。そんな強い想いを胸にこれから発信していきます。

イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから



日本ではなかなか見られない風景、モビリティライフ、デザイン事情、スタートアップやイノベーションの最先端情報など、これまでのCar Stylingにはなかったような視点も交えながら、クルマとデザインの可能性を拡げるべく、ぜひお伝えできればと思います。

自動運転タクシーサービス “Waymo” もサンフランシスコ市内で利用可能

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の1枚めの画像

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の2枚めの画像
Hyundai SANTA FE

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の3枚めの画像
Ford Bronco

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の4枚めの画像

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の5枚めの画像
自動運転スタートアップ Cruise

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の6枚めの画像

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の7枚めの画像
自動運転スタートアップ ZOOX社による開発車両

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の8枚めの画像
Lucid Motors Lucid Air

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「イノベーションの発祥地 アメリカ・シリコンバレーから Vol.1 ご挨拶/ “From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer」の9枚めの画像


“From US & Silicon Valley”_Vol.1: Greetings / Introduction of Contributing Writer

Tesla Cybertruck

Hello, I am Yasuhide “Yasu” Yokoi.

I am pleased to join you from the US and Silicon Valley as a contributing author for the revival of CarStyling. This initial contribution will serve as a brief introduction and greeting.

Profile: Connection with Car Design

Yasuhide “Yasu” Yokoi

Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer at Final Aim, Inc., headquartered in the US with a branch in Japan.

Born in Japan and raised in Australia, I graduated from an art university and then worked as an industrial designer at Nikon Corporation, where I designed optical equipment, including professional digital SLR cameras. This was during the exciting transition period from film to digital in the camera industry, which provided me with thrilling experiences.

Later, as a founding team member, I joined a 3D printing startup. We launched a global digital manufacturing platform, implementing new approaches in design and manufacturing in the industry. For example, in collaboration with Honda, we designed a custom delivery EV mobility for Toshimaya Corporation, famous for its Hato Sablé cookies. The vehicle was produced using industrial 3D printers worldwide and operational within a few weeks. This partnership represented a significant instance of open innovation and created one of the largest 3D-printed products in the industry at the time.

Co-developed with Honda an original design vehicle that utilizes 3D printing (2016)

Design: Essential for Zero to One

From my startup experience, I frequently receive requests from other startups to participate, especially in emerging fields like autonomous driving and mobility services. For instance, I helped launch Singapore’s first autonomous delivery robot in collaboration with a Singaporean startup. I supported styling based on user experience and branding from initial concept to final production.

With a Singaporean startup, launched the nation’s first-ever autonomous delivery robot (2021)

During its early stages, I also supported the mobility design of Tier IV, a leading autonomous driving startup in Japan.

At that time, autonomous driving was still not widely recognized, and we started from scratch. Continuous discussions with the founder of Tier IV helped crystallize a vision that broke away from established concepts and contributed a visionary style to society.

Autonomous mobility “Milee” (2017)
Series of mobility designs by the autonomous driving startup, Tier IV (2017 – 2019)

Currently, as the co-founder of the startup Final Aim, Inc., established in December 2019, I continue to tackle design and manufacturing challenges and create new businesses, just as I have always done.

As a recent project, in collaboration with Yamaha Motor, we collaborated and launched an entirely new type of small, low-speed electric vehicle using generative AI and blockchain technology. Beyond just the outputs, we are addressing a wide range of agendas, including the future roles of designers, new workflows, and design management. I will be delving into these topics in more detail in future contributions.

Electric mobility “Concept 451” co-created and unveiled with Yamaha Motor (2024)

Why Car Styling? The Expanding Possibilities of Design

My love for cars, which began in early elementary school, sparked my dream of becoming an industrial designer. Car Styling’s excitement and real stories of joy significantly influenced me. As the automotive industry rapidly changes values and social roles, designers face unprecedented responsibilities.

In these chaotic times, I believe I can contribute something meaningful. Car Styling inspired me as a child, and I am eager to give back through my contributions.

Innovation from the US & Silicon Valley

Currently running a startup with operations in both the US and Japan, I frequently travel between the two countries, spending significant time in Silicon Valley, the birthplace of innovation. The perspective on mobility is rapidly evolving here, and the scope of what is expected from designers in areas such as interface, service experience, business, new technologies, finance, and intellectual property is distinctly broad.

I look forward to sharing more about how mobility and design can expand their possibilities through unique perspectives not previously covered in CarStyling.

Incorporating perspectives not previously covered in CarStyling, such as landscapes rarely seen in Japan, mobility life, design trends, and cutting-edge information on startups and innovation, I aim to convey the expanding possibilities of cars and design.

The popular Cybertruck is now occasionally spotted in Silicon Valley
Countless Teslas line the parking lots of Silicon Valley offices
The autonomous taxi service “Waymo” is now available in San Francisco

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to engaging with you and the all-new CarStyling!

Yasuhide “Yasu” Yokoi
Co-Founder & Chief Design Officer at Final Aim, Inc. Born in Japan and raised in Australia, he graduated from Tama Art University and worked at Nikon Corporation before joining a 3D printing startup as a foundation member. The startup launched a digital manufacturing platform, and in 2017, it was acquired by a Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed company. In 2019, he co-founded Final Aim, headquartered in the US. With extensive experience in industrial design, management, UI/UX design, and intellectual property, Yasu has collaborated globally with large corporations, startups, and non-profits to create new businesses. He has also received numerous design awards, including the iF Design Award, Red Dot Award, Singapore Good Design Award, and the GOOD DESIGN AWARD.



横井 康秀 Yasuhide “Yasu” Yokoi 近影

横井 康秀 Yasuhide “Yasu” Yokoi

横井 康秀/Yasuhide “Yasu” Yokoi
株式会社Final Aim 共同創業者 兼 最高デザイン責任者。日本生まれオ…