【海外技術情報】アウディ:都市下水へのマイクロプラスチック流入を防ぐ「マイクロプラスチックフィルター」を開発中 | 2枚目の写真(全2枚)

「【海外技術情報】アウディ:都市下水へのマイクロプラスチック流入を防ぐ「マイクロプラスチックフィルター」を開発中」の1枚目の画像 Possible module combinations of the urban filter: Depending on the catchment area, different filters are required to filter the floating, suspended and sedimentable particles from the water. The filters contribute to a continuous improvement of the water quality and relieve rivers and lakes. Technically, both fine pore structures such as larger retention spaces, but also sieves of different mesh sizes, magnetic fields and the possibility of local infiltration in the modules are used. The service life and performance of the filters can be significantly increased by an intelligent networking concept that is additionally adapted to the filters, for example to optimize street cleaning. From left to right: combination of side inlet grille and filter skirt and sedimentation module, in the middle: combination of retention space in the curb, funnel and infiltration in the shaft, right: combination of porous asphalt, optimized leaf basket and magnetic module.
「【海外技術情報】アウディ:都市下水へのマイクロプラスチック流入を防ぐ「マイクロプラスチックフィルター」を開発中」の2枚目の画像 Possible module combinations of the urban filter: Depending on the catchment area, different filters are required to filter the floating, suspended and sedimentable particles from the water. The filters contribute to a continuous improvement of the water quality and relieve rivers and lakes. Technically, both fine pore structures such as larger retention spaces, but also sieves of different mesh sizes, magnetic fields and the possibility of local infiltration in the modules are used. The service life and performance of the filters can be significantly increased by an intelligent networking concept that is additionally adapted to the filters, for example to optimize street cleaning. In the picture: Application locations and catchment area of the urban filter in blue
  • 「【海外技術情報】アウディ:都市下水へのマイクロプラスチック流入を防ぐ「マイクロプラスチックフィルター」を開発中」の1枚目の画像ギャラリーへのリンク
  • 「【海外技術情報】アウディ:都市下水へのマイクロプラスチック流入を防ぐ「マイクロプラスチックフィルター」を開発中」の2枚目の画像ギャラリーへのリンク