【同門比較】新型レクサスLM vs センチュリー! トヨタ/レクサスのショーファーカーの装備や性能はどのくらい違う? | 18枚目の写真(全21枚)
ProEXR File Description
cameraAperture (float): 35.9999
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cameraNearClip (float): 0
cameraNearRange (float): 0
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 1e+018
cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.688817, -0.66868, -0.279996, -7.13997}, {-0.7248, -0.642688, -0.248226, -96.469}, {-0.0139668, 0.373924, -0.927354, 156.867}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
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A (float)
B (float)
G (float)
R (float)
ProEXR File Description
cameraAperture (float): 35.9999
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cameraFarRange (float): 1e+018
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cameraNearClip (float): 0
cameraNearRange (float): 0
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 1e+018
cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.0222051, 0.961504, 0.273892, 67.4423}, {0.999754, -0.0213556, -0.0060833, 1.09633}, {-5.55112e-017, 0.273959, -0.961741, 138.243}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip
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vrayInfo/date (string): "2023/Jun/6"
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A (float)
B (float)
G (float)
R (float)