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  4. 学生フォーミュラ日本大会2019

学生フォーミュラ2019:全車両カタログ 70:Hanyang University

  • 2019/09/04
  • Motor Fan illustrated編集部

フレーム構造 steel spaceframe
ボディ材 Fiber-glass. Carbon fiber-glass
サスペンション(前/後) Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod/Double unequal length A-arm Push rod
全長×全高 2986 mm × 1170 mm
軸距 1570 mm
輪距(前/後) 1240/1220 mm
重量(前後比) 240 kg(44.5:55.5)
最低地上高 30 mm
ホイール/タイヤ 13 inch Continental Slick 205/470 OZ Formula Student Magnesium 4H hole
排気量 600 cc
最高出力 79 ps/14500 rpm
最大トルク 5.3 kgf/11000 rpm
給気方式 Naturally aspirated
燃料タンク容量 6 L
変速機 CO2 pneumatic sequential shift
最終減速機 Final Drive:3.9:1,Differential:FCC Honda ATV LSD
ブレーキ(前/後) 2 outboard/2 outboard KR motors calipers
特記事項 • ‘Z’ roll bar • SLS intake manifold • race-spec wiring • 3 flap DRS

■ 車の特徴とチームの抱負
Drive Together for Future, baqu4! As “future thinkers”, the final destination of baqu4 is to be the future of the engineering industry. By “well-grounded engineering", RBF-19 will be the Revolution of baqu4 Formla. Each part was completed with a systematic organizational structure. With our cooperation and technology, we will be the ‶incredible rising star" of FSAEJ!

Car No.:70
Total score:328.25
Cost Score:16.36
Presentation Score:35.15
Design Score:57.00
Acceleration Score:44.35
Skid Pad Score:50.23
Autocross Score:82.00
Endurance Score:43.16
Efficiency Score:0.00
Endurance and Efficiency Score:43.16

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